Volunteer Opportunities

To further the work of the Consortium four committees have been established with a unique role in facilitating the Consortium’s vision. The committee responsibilities are listed briefly below:
- Communication Committee:
- Raise public awareness and introduce the clearinghouse initiative to the community at large.
- Help keep the membership, interested parties and the community at large informed of the efforts, initiatives and programs of the Consortium.
- Develop creative message formats that include but are not limited to a newsletter, a website, flyers and press releases.
- Identify resourceful ways to communicate the goals and objectives of the Consortium.
- Development Committee:
- Assist in the acquisition of financial resources for the Consortium through grants, sponsorship, membership and other sources.
- Develop strategies to identify financial resources and increase membership.
- Create avenues for interacting with potential sources of assistance to the Consortium.
- Education Committee:
- Raise the perceived need for personal financial literacy with students, employers, employees and retired persons.
- Gather information about existing programs, resources, courses, booklets and speakers for all ages.
- Assess the educational value of programs for inclusion in the Clearinghouse
- Work to establish collaborative efforts with businesses and educational institutions to improve financial literacy for all ages.
- Update its analysis of Georgia’s Quality Core Curriculum.
- Identify existing programs and needs in the workplace regarding personal financial education.
- Research Committee:
- Track and present research findings
- Identify Georgia specific research needs.
- Examine current regulatory and legal provisions and collect information on relevant research.
- Provide research Information to the Consortium’s clearinghouse effort.
- Encourage appropriate researchers to undertake research projects with a view towards developing information that empowers Georgians to make wise consumer decisions.
- Assist other committees by evaluating and compiling data to support and develop case statements that demonstrate the compelling need for personal financial literacy.
We urge you to strongly consider volunteering in some capacity to help with vital financial literacy efforts in Georgia.
If you are interested, please take a moment to fill out the Volunteer Profile so we can better understand your area of expertise as well as the audience with whom you would like to volunteer.